General Questions
Best practices are what they are acknowledged to be: Best Practices.
But when you start to combine best practices, that does not fit together you loose momentum; too much valuable information is lost in transformation. And, as you add more best practices the inconsistency and confusion in the transformation increases.
You will need to let the best practices work together. The 12Box Model will let the best practices integrate seamlessly.
Yes, "less is more"! Each time you off-load a best practice, the transformation speed increases exponentially.
The basics of the 12Box Model is the 12 Themes and the Change Sheet (as-is, to-do and to-be). You will only have to learn that!
As the 12Box Model is a super structure on the most common best practices, you can achieved the same high level results as if you have used the best practices. And if more substance is needed, you can anytime deep-dive into the best practices - while maintaining the overview by the 12Box Model.
The 12Box Model's 12 Themes represents a complete description of the dynamics of the business. Together with the Change Sheet (as-is, to-do and to-be) the Themes can be applied the models mechanics at all levels to describe Business Drivers, Innovation, Vision, Directions, KPIs, Value Streams down to operational Touchpoints, Initiatives and Statements of Work.
Most best practices like Business Model Canvas, Design Thinking or Scrum operates inside their own paradigm.
The 12Box Model works like a translator between the practices. Because The 12Box model is constructed as a blend notions from the best practices, it is just to map the notions of the best practices with the themes of the 12Box Model. But, because the 12 Box model is a super structure, the will be some blanks you will need to fill into the 12Box Model.
Very few best practices (if any!) have a precise relational data structure that connects business impact, the requirements and the statement of work.
The 12Box Model provides a simple data structure that allow you to store and filter the information of a transformation. The next time you want to address the same type of impact, you can extract and modify the previous transformation. In this way you can reuse and optimze the previous transformation and use this to facilitate the organizational learning.